CAPITULO I Art 7. Conservations works with the following objectives:
- To maintain the building under the minimum conditions of security in order to prevent risks to people and assets. In this respect, it becomes necessary to carry out all the works and operations of consolidation, reinforcement or replacement of elements that may compromise the mechanical resistances an stability of the building.
These may include: damaged elements of structure, foundations, supports, beams and floor structure, load-bearing walls or other structural elements.
- To repair the facades (interior and exterior facades, as well as party walls) and other elements such as chimneys, false ceiling, cornices, overhangings, cantilevering elements, ornamental elements or finishings, the condition of which may imply a risk for the security of people and assets.
- To maintain the building under the minimum sanitary conditions in order not to negatively impact upon the hygiene and public health. In this regard, it becomes necessary to carry out all the works required to avoid water filtrations though the facade, the roof, or the ground. The general plumbing, waste waters and sewage systems should be kept in good condition as well in order to guarantee their fitness to the purpose for which they are intended.
- To maintain the building under the minimum conditions of accessibility in the entrance, staircases, floor surfaces, banisters, handrails, elements of signposting and sensorial communication (braille, high reliefs, magnetics loop, etc.), existing lifts, and other horizontal and vertical communication elements of the building. In this way, for their proper use, all the necessary works for the upkeep of all the aforementioned elements should be fulfilled